Thursday, February 19, 2015

The door to another world

I'm obsessed. This time it's with fairy doors. The one I bought kept me happy for a while, but it wasn't enough. I had to make my own.

That bag of popsicle sticks I got at a garage sale finally came in handy. This little gem made its way around the house and finally settled next to the staircase for a photo shoot.

After many plain years, my little wooden box finally found a purpose. It now hosts a purple fairy door, based on a craft project I saw on line.

Here's the same project in more natural light.
I know have a nearly irresistible need to make lots more of these.

Monday, February 16, 2015

New projects to chase away the cold

As if winter couldn't get worse, it's freezing and all I can think about is gardening.

In anticipation of spring, I'm prepping more fairy houses. This is an old flower pot with some embellishments. I made a mushroom cap for it to be added later today. I just need some varnish for the whole thing so I can put it outside.

My latest obsession is fairy doors, so I ordered a mini on line and made this for my desk. I have a larger door on order, but it hasn't gotten here yet so last night I started making rustic fairy doors from popsicle sticks. I'll post those finished projects soon. The whole fairy door idea has me completely bowled over - I can't get enough and my fear is that I will run out of wall space hiding little fairy doors all over the house.


Then again, how bad would that be?
In other news, I joined Pinterest in earnest and I'm liking it. [In time I'm sure will come the inevitable crash and burn of this social media relationship] but for now it's cool.
And I planted my coffee beans - so in two years I should be able to brew a cup of coffee from my very own blend!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

So done with winter

It's been a while. I've been busy writing - yes, I finished book 1 of my sci-fi series, got it edited and am planning on an April release!

I've been fighting the winter blahs - I used to like winter .I had a great excuse to stay in side and read, write, create - but now that I seem to have kicked by reverse seasonal affective disorder, I get regular seasonal affective disorder and winter [after Christmas winter] makes me depressed.

I can't wait for the warm weather and to get outside and get back to work on my gardens. Today, we went to Lowe's in the snow and I plunked down $20 on my seeds. The only thing I didn't get was strawberry seeds - and I figure I'll have to invest in some plants when the season starts. I caved and bought carrots again - only because of the colorful variety and went with two types of beans [couldn't resist the purple ones] and multicolored peppers.

I also put my coffee seeds in water to soak and I'm planting them in their mini-greenhouse tomorrow. It takes 3-4 weeks for them to sprout, so I'm thinking by the time they're transplantable it will be warm enough to put them in a greenhouse at least.

I'm working on some fairy garden accessories and I plan to have some authentic fairy gardens this year. My indoor plants are hanging in there after some major trimming today. There's been so little sunlight, it's a wonder they're holding on, but they are.

Here's to warmer weather - it can't get here fast enough!